Horoscopes | Week of January 16-22, 2012

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Leaving some of the overall questions about the larger initiative open for the time being, you've still got plenty of the smaller methodological balls to keep aloft during this extended juggling routine. And precisely because certain conclusive answers have not yet been resolved, Aries, you must also recognize the high likelihood of your having to go back, over the course of the coming several weeks, and revisit steps that'll soon prove to need redoing in a slightly different manner, in order to properly fit with the unforeseen direction things will evolve toward. The most important thing to remember is: All is well, as long as you're still working. The editing and re-editing process ahead of you may feel, to the full-speed-ahead Aries mind, excessively belabored or stymieing… but you're not helping it along if you continue conceiving of it that way. The ultimate quality of your finished product is what's currently at stake—and many future developments could hinge on just how high your quality-assurance standards are held on this endeavor. From that perspective, every single tiny effort really does matter. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): It will be more fun if you're not doing it alone. It'll feel that much more meaningful if you experience it together, with those who enjoy it just as much as you do, Taurus, and/or who believe just as strongly in its value. The 'it', of course, is totally up for grabs… based, quite simply, on whatever seems like it'll serve an entertaining (and maybe simultaneously edifying) purpose that day. So while suiting personal whims is certainly a worthwhile factor to include in your week's choices, these whims shouldn't be so 'personal' that they isolate you from those who'd probably get something positive out of being included. Reach out, therefore, to friends or colleagues who you think might derive some kicks out of joining you on a trip to the proverbial funhouse… who could draw personal inspiration and motivation from participating alongside you on the salsa line, at the action meeting, or in the mix. Add in a social-bonding or explicitly altruistic angle to whatever you feel like doing this week. The more actually will be the merrier. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


GEMINI (May 21-June 20): This post-(or-mid-)disruption reforming of your life, Gemini, ought to include contemplations about refining your relationship to where you live. As assets are divided or altered-realities adjusted to, pivotal judgment-calls put on the line or difficult choices made, you mustn't overlook the ramifications of remaining lax on questions of domestic contentment. To jump on the most promising opportunities, you might have to move. To cover all the bills, you might have to downsize. To more firmly solidify your boundaries (a la last week's edition), you might have to put some physical space between you. And to best take care of yourself, you might have to put more energy into nesting yourself in an authentically self-nourishing environment—even if it requires many afternoons of house-cleaning, a few assertive conversations with a housemate, or some tight budgeting on behalf of a repair, a redecoration, or a relocation. All these possibilities have been labeled 'might's to indicate that only you can honestly answer the question of what's most necessary for your private well-being. But to assume this is an area you can easily let slide, with minimal psychological effect, is to undervalue your own mental health. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


CANCER (June 21-July 22): Before you pointlessly limit yourself based on an imagined understanding of what someone else expects from you for their peace-of-mind, you should probably discuss with them this opportunity you're being presented with… and then give them a bit of time to think through, beyond their first response, their feelings about it. Never mind the obvious problem in you automatically rejecting a prospective journey to some new frontier just because you're more comfortable pandering to another person's 'peace-of-mind' (or controlling 'it's-all-about-me' tendencies), Cancer. Maybe you are using their presumed resistance as a cover for your own fears: of trying something different, of putting your own interests first, of fostering an identity beyond that of being others' dutiful supporter. And while you may be correct that they'll initially be upset or threatened by your proposal to aim your enthusiasms elsewhere for a spell, your willingness to respectfully talk it over—more than once, over a period of time—could be the decisive move that helps them open their mind to what else is possible. Dare I state the obvious, but you don't actually need their 'permission', by the way… Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


LEO (July 23-August 22): (1) Bearing in mind that the 'right' way I outlined for you last week remains right, Leo, you should now consider how you might renegotiate any financial (or other resource-allocation) agreements you're presently a party to… especially if you feel your part of the deal isn't as sweet as you rightfully deserve. You may indeed be due a larger slice of the pie than the prior negotiations yielded you. But you're definitely not as likely to secure it if you're unduly focused on what the other party doesn't deserve or, worse, on your vengeful desire to stick it to 'em. As soon as this potential renegotiation devolves from a mere matter of doing proper business to an interpersonal drama fest, you're essentially surrendering your justifiable grounds for claiming more. Should it become a relationship issue, you will probably find yourself on the losing end. However, as long as you're talking about closing a previously unforeseen loophole, righting a procedural wrong, or otherwise gaining fair compensation for something you have earned, you've got a sturdy case for yourself. At each step in the process, you must retain this businesslike stance. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Behave sweetly toward the special someone(s) in your life now… and thus hook their good graces in advance of any crazy antics you might soon find yourself carrying out, as a result of Mars's 2-½ month retrograde in your sign which begins early next week. It's quite likely that, shortly, you won't be able to contain erratic urges to redirect your energies places that might've seemed irrelevant or inconsequential as recently as a couple weeks ago. If that's where you're feeling the momentum is hot, that probably is where you ought to concentrate. But you can only imagine the sort of wild-ride your manic, amped-up swervings of attentions could create for those who are your companions. They didn't sign on for these rocky detours and diversions, and would have to care pretty strongly about you not to grow periodically annoyed. (And even if they adore you, they still might find your next-few-months' behavior a bit trying.) Therefore, before they've begun to become exposed to a soon-to-be-rabid Virgo under the influence of a Mars-retrograde, do something extra-specially thoughtful on their behalf. It might buy you a few added helpings of their patience. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


LIBRA (September 23-October 22): Staying on task equals staying on track. Enjoying losing yourself in a stream of tangible productivity, Libra, will serve as your lifeboat… and without it, you're liable to otherwise feel adrift on a seemingly boundless sea, sailing toward phantom island oases where you'd probably love to while away hours and hours of your time if, that is, they didn't evaporate before your very eyes as soon as you came within a nearer distance. In other words, when you veer too far away from the day-to-day tasks you know you're supposed to be working on (and which, again, you're likelier than usual to enjoy working on), you are apt to experience a sense of lostness… which, in some ways, isn't altogether purposeless in the scheme of your life-situation, since I'd love to see you achieve an internal respite out of not trying to 'figure out' what's presently un-figure-out-able. But to prevent this interval of in-between-ness from devolving into something detrimentally ungrounding, you've got to keep up with your earthly responsibilities on a daily basis. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): Life is threatening to become (damn!) more fun, Scorpio… as long as you're not resisting the possibility that you could begin the afternoon or evening in a slightly (or more-than-slightly) moody moment and end it somewhere entirely different. This means, of course, being open to initially exposing your sensitive self to the outside world—and realizing many of your friends not only don't mind if you're grumpy or sad when you hang out with them, but are actually pretty darn skilled at inconspicuously drawing you out of your doldrums. Certain social activities, however, simply won't be appealing to you… and you ought to permit yourself license to assert an opinion on how y'all are spending your time together, shaping the event specifics to your particular needs. Likewise, certain members of the crowd may not leave you feeling especially comfortable being your warts-and-all self… and likewise, having taken notice, you might consider cleverly rooting them out of your scene over the coming weeks as well. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): In anticipation of Mars turning retrograde early next week in your solar 10th, there's a not-yet-obvious turning about to happen in your workplace or career-zone… one which is liable to shift around some of the duties, redistribute time and/or resources, and identify where the broken chains of efficiency are resting. Don't sit idly by while someone else's ideas manifest into overt changes sure to affect your job description, Sagittarius… not when you can show your eager and observant face at just the perfect moment to help shape this decision-maker's notions of which tentative revisions to try out. If you are looking for a bigger piece of the action, this is the time to volunteer yourself for special projects or additional responsibilities—not by hailing how amazing you are or offering any self-congratulatory hype, but through sticking humbly to discussions of the work to be done and how you'd suggest doing it. (While you're at it, it wouldn't hurt to mention how you might be able to save the organization some money.) You shouldn't expect any explicit tokens of gratitude in the short-term, other than, hopefully, their willingness to give you a shot; rewards come later. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): When shrewd politicians seek to enlist the support of a special-interest group with whom they have little direct knowledge or experience, they certainly don't begin by making elaborate speeches full of distinct initiatives they intend to unveil in addressing that group's 'special interests'… not if they don't want to appear undereducated or insult the audience they're attempting to court. Instead, they offer the most general and non-committal statement of solidarity possible, and then solicit the group's key leaders and stakeholders to present feedback about how the group itself believes its needs would best be met. This strategy simultaneously serves as a great research tool and leaves those who spoke out feeling important and respected for their expertise: a win-win situation, to be sure. This is the approach that came to me, Capricorn, when considering your best way forward this week—first setting a tone of honor for the experience of those you're calling on, then letting them feed you all the information you need about how best to win them over. Under no circumstances must you presume to know what you don't, and risk looking like a pompous ass despite a sincere intent. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): For the time being, nobody needs to know about your private schemes to reorient yourself in a certain power dynamic. In fact, Aquarius, you're still quietly thinking through what you'd be willing to give up (and not give up) in the process of tidying up a presently messy arrangement… and landing yourself a better grip on the direction your mutual destiny is headed. No surefire tactics have yet been fleshed out, and no clarity in tone attained, so therefore no outward discussion will presently suit your purposes. While I'm all for open and above-board conversations between all the individuals who'll be deeply impacted, I also believe they must be done at the right time—and after one has already thought at great length about what's really at stake. That time is not now, I repeat. But it is surely time to think about your own interests apart from the joint circumstances you may sometimes feel challenges to see beyond. This arrangement is not the only way it could be. As you let your imagination explore the possibilities for a future version of yourself, one whose hands aren't tied by this commitment, you'll discover just what about your current reality is holding you back… and that's probably where your strategizing ought to focus. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?


PISCES (February 19-March 20): Don't lapse into defending yourself, Pisces. With Venus now on your side, you've got the upper hand… as long as you aren't struggling to prove it's yours. Looking at the potential conflict from outside the head-to-head back and forth that the other person would probably prefer you to remain mired in, the bait they're dangling in your face appears, frankly, a bit silly. While I don't recommend taunting them with this awareness, I think it ought to provide enough of a clarifying perspective to defuse any rise of defensiveness on your part. Dare they lash out at you by detailing something you've done 'wrong', your smartest move would be to own it, if there is any validity in their charge… or if they're way off the mark, to basically shrug your shoulders and calmly answer something like, 'I'm sorry, but I just don't see it that way.' Any steps beyond this short-and-sweet refusal to engage only gives credence to the notion that they have a legitimate point… and needlessly detracts from the advantage you're already holding. Soon you'll start to miss these end-of-horoscope promos for ASTROBARRY'S 2012, but until then, maybe you should just check out the e-book, mmm'kay?