ASTROBARRY'S 2013: 'I Survived the Apocalypse, and All I Got Was This Year-Ahead Forecast'

Following the amazing success of last year's experiment (ASTROBARRY'S 2012), I have once again created a downloadable e-book for your devouring pleasure, chock full of horoscopic insights into what to expect in 2013.

We remain in the midst of remarkable times, both turbulent and transformational, which I am confident will prove history-defining in retrospect. We face no choice but to evolve quickly, or suffer. Terrifying though it may be, this evolution is also a direct path to greater satisfaction than we've ever known.

All we've got to do is release the fantasy we might ever go back to the past (which probably wasn't nearly as great as we wistfully remember it to be)… and keep moving forward into this strange new wonderful future!

My new e-book can help you do just that.

ASTROBARRY'S 2013 includes:

-- extensive year-ahead forecasts for all 12 signs (over 4,000 words each, even lengthier than last year's!),
including month-by-month horoscopes,
and special sections for 'Work/Career/Finances' and 'Relationships/Romance'

-- 'Surviving the Apocalypse, Continuing the Revolution', a part-personal-narrative, past-astrological-meditation introduction

ASTROBARRY'S 2013 is available at the same low price of only $12. FOR ONLY $11 !

ASTROBARRY'S 2012 is also still available! Click here to get yours.

I've been writing weekly horoscopes and other posts about astrology and life since 2002. I enjoy providing this work to you free of charge, in service to the collective consciousness and as a means of creative self-expression. I appreciate you showing your support for my work by purchasing my e-books. Thank you.

If you feel you'd like to donate an additional amount, as a gesture of appreciation that I continue to offer my other written work for no fee, please click this link.

(I have decided to discount the price of ASTROBARRY'S 2013, due to my having to make a last-minute change to the book's format. Because I chose to expand this year's sign-by-sign horoscopes, I was unable to complete the other writings I'd hoped to include and still facilitate a timely release. I apologize if anybody is disappointed.)

Click the "Add to Cart" button to buy the e-book. After you complete your purchase, you will be sent an email with a link for downloading the PDF file.


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If you have any problems, please email for assistance. It may take me up to a day or two to respond, since I'm only one humble person and I'm trying my best to make this happen all on my own.