Horoscopes | Week of March 12-18, 2007

ARIES (March 21-April 19): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Aries, this eclipse falls in your 12th, the least concretely measurable or provable zone of existence… where the truth is likelier to be found in cryptic clues and synchronistic symbols, vivid dreams and eerie hunches and interdimensional downloads, rather than in any cold hard facts you can read or write or repeat in simple language. What, then, is there to do with its energy, if you can barely pinpoint its locale? Acknowledge: We have far less control over the details of how our lives are playing out than it may seem. There is logic we are never to know. This is the time to celebrate that fact, rather than pretending to 'have it all together'. No matter if you plunk down at your desk to responsibly analyze the possible consequences of every sideways glance before you take it, you still can't reliably predict what happens next. (What a perfect excuse to act without too much boring forethought, eh?) However, what we decidedly do have control over is our thought processes… or more specifically, the belief-systems we bring into play when interpreting the otherwise random chaos unfolding as the nitty-gritty stuff of our lives. If you cling to the notion the universe is out to 'get you', by golly, it is. If you expect conflict with others, you're already barking for a fight before you've even found something to fight over. One woman's 'cryptic clues and synchronistic symbols' are absolutely nothing to another, that one who never glanced at her surroundings (so-called 'background noise') and wondered about them, so eager was she to get to her predetermined finish-line, to prove her self-fulfilling prophecies correct. It's all in the tea-leaves at the bottom of your cup—and you're the reader.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Taurus, this eclipse falls in your 11th, as an endorsement of you maintaining continual engagement in your social network… and, if the places you frequent or the folks you hang with leave you feeling unsure you belong, then start looking for new ones. Time and time again, I've been dwelling on your need to stay connected, playing an integral part of some social body larger than you. No man is an island, not even the rock-like Taurean. Take this call-to-connection however you will—as an impetus to spend more raucous evenings out and about, to organize quiet gatherings or game-night get-togethers, or to join together with others who feel similarly about a key issue or identity in your lives. Serious or goofy, it doesn't matter… as long as you're surrounding yourself with other living breathing beings, exposed to their slants and styles and special-interests. 'Playing it safe' won't get you there, unless you have no desire to get closer to the ones who love you (or the ones who would, if only given the chance). People are pushing against your shut-tight doors, thinking, 'Why not just open up and let us in?' Of course, any hesitation on your part points back to complicated fears about whether they'd truly accept you, if they saw the 'real' you. (Or maybe you disguise it behind a posture of not caring what they think?) The funny thing, though: It's that complicated, messy, uncouth and/or totally insane creature beneath your polite surface that really enthralls people, anyhow. They might not know most or all of what's under there, but they're drawn to seeing your rougher edges. If anything, that roughness is basis for an even tighter camaraderie—not a legitimate justification for resisting it.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Gemini, this eclipse falls in your 10th, which represents your public aspirations and accomplishments, especially in your career or whatever else you're doing out there in the world… and indicates major change continuing to rattle and roll your professional outlook. This isn't the first time you've heard me talk about these big career times, requiring you to pursue heart-thumping risks if you want to feel vital and victorious (rather than minimally competent or blandly stable) in how you're expending your ambitions. If it's not related specifically to a job, then it's about your reputation among those who can see you and/or whose opinions you respect. In any case, you must be prepared to buck their expectations of you… in order to prove you've got much more potential beyond that same role they've slotted you in a little too long. (Or is it your own expectations that require bucking?) Your immediate future in this 10th-house domain of recognition and achievement, however, is all tied up with the company you're keeping. Whether it's the professional alliances you've forged, the hoped-for bonds with certain role models not yet cemented, or even off-the-clock personal pairings that affect how you behave on the clock… there's a deep link between your relationship life and how this astrology will impact your outer-world situation. As long as you're aligning yourself with folks who set good examples for the types of success you desire, you're covered. But please be careful around the others—they could be toxic. As further developments develop (and probably only if you need one), you'll get a lesson in who you can trust… and who's liable to stab you in the back, if given the chance.


CANCER (June 21-July 22): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Cancer, this eclipse falls in your 9th, the source of your personal sense of integrity… which, no matter how slippery you get when your heartstrings get wet, asks you to declare your bottom-line dos and don'ts for living in accordance with the laws of Right and Wrong. (These laws aren't exactly universal—you have to come up with the exact borderlines yourself.) When you stand up and speak out with a motivating moral imperative behind you, it demonstrates you're ready to hold out for all or nothing, just to keep a guiding principle intact. It also brings purpose to your leanings. At this important juncture, you might be forced to reject an on-the-table compromise because something about it leaves you feeling funny inside… a lingering sense that your life should be about something other than This (whatever 'This' is), and a justifiable refusal to give in. If you want to advocate for what's Right (for you, that is… but not necessarily for everybody), you mustn't fear making other people angry by sticking to your values. You could try convincing yourself not to speak out on behalf of scruples, to merely do your duties without complaint… as if an impassioned belief in principles is a luxury of uppityhood and not worthy of your energies. But rocking the boat or refusing to budge is admirable, if it reminds you why your life is meaningful. Don't do it to be contrary; do it because you're more than just a silent, obedient work-robot. What you might jeopardize in the awkwardness of a moment's stance, you'll definitely make up for in increased respect from others. Now they'll know what really matters to you.


LEO (July 23-August 22): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Leo, this eclipse falls in your 8th, ensuring that no fiber of your psyche remains untouched by the power of complicated psychological dynamics to stir up feelings you might've imagined you were too civilized, considerate or 'together' enough to hold. Over these past weeks, you've heard me egg you on toward increasingly tangled passions… not simple or clear or convenient at all, due to the cans-of-worms that threaten to burst open, should they be followed to their logical conclusion. And why, you might wonder, would I want you to create life-situations seemingly more difficult than they need be? Because they're already that difficult… at least if you're being honest with yourself. The eclipse energy is simply pushing the truth up through the polite veneers and procrastinatory sidesteps. What a pain in the ass—and what a gift, too! Life without passion is nothing more than acting out a canned script from a laundry-detergent commercial, knowing that the grass strain will always disappear from your sweatshirt by the time 30 seconds has elapsed: Predictable, and worth fast-forwarding through. But if you want passions to burn for a while to come (or return to center-stage, if you've been missing 'em for a while), you'll have to fess to what really gets you going (or what's gotten up and gone). Pride is your worst enemy, nervous or embarrassed as you might be to spell it out. Is it so almighty that you'll allow your fantasies to come crashing down to earth, just to silently settle for whatever you get and 'not make trouble'? No, my dear: Make the damn trouble already.


VIRGO (August 23-September 22): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Virgo, this eclipse falls in your 7th… you know the one… it's the relationship house, and you've got to be pretty friggin' tired of me beating this dead horse in your scopes. But come on, dear Virgoan readers, don't blame me—blame the planets (and especially shit-stirrer Uranus, virtually a permanent 7th-house resident), who seem to think you need constant reminding to ensure your one-on-one connections are vital, vibrant and vivacious. And if they're not, it begs the question: What are you waiting for? Put more of yourself in, or get all the way out… but don't let the coupling fester in mediocrity, for both of your sakes. Just to review: The right relationship will help you meet more of your goals and duties, not suck up every last bit of your energy. And a truly supportive partner will help ease your personal burdens, not weigh your heart down with more trouble. Does your current relationship offer that? Does the one you're reaching for provide that promise? Are these important values something you consciously prioritize in another person? Or have you given up all hope? You are never 'stuck' unless you stick yourself there… and stay. If you've fought the tides of change in how you manage your relationship life, in order to preserve the status quo, chances are your resistance to dealing is linked with a hesitance to uproot yourself… whether that means altering your living situation, breaking old behavioral patterns, or coming out of hiding. Look again at what you were taught by mommy-and-daddy (or their equivalents) because that hesitance comes from there—a reaction to childhood instability, or a reiteration of the family pattern to 'stay together no matter what' or 'hold out for perfection'. Then, glance up at the clock. Time is still ticking… and relationship change is still scaling the walls, looking for a way in.


LIBRA (September 23-October 22): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Libra, this eclipse falls in your 6th, the lair of our compulsory (though far from glamorous) duties to this earthly life: our household chores, our grunt-work at work, our health-and-hygiene regimen, and anything else included in the daily grind. Think of this as your periodic check-in or check-up… or, if you've let things go too far without regular maintenance, as your wake-up call. You must be able to get this important stuff taken care of, efficiently and effectively, though these nagging responsibilities may often end up as the very last items you want to do. Such 6th-house activities comprise the necessary service we must put in, in order to reap all the amazing benefits of living this life. (Ever tried driving a car without gas in the tank, oil in the engine, and air in the tires?) To enable you to do everything you want to do, you must keep the fleshy vehicle called 'your body' running smoothly… with ample food, sleep, exercise, and a good balance between toiling hard and taking time off. If you can't express your physical needs through the patterns you've set (or that have been set for you at work), your days will become a dreary nightmare over which you hold no control. Watch out that your concern for social appearances doesn't overpower your ability to obey your own rhythms, as a friend or co-worker could make you feel dumb if what works best for you seems silly to them. Staying true to your most ideal routine may mean not being quite so easy-going. Needless to say, whatever your physical well-being depends upon should be non-negotiable.


SCORPIO (October 23-November 21): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Scorpio, this eclipse falls in your 5th, a happy place of extroverted exuberance, flirty fun and burgeoning romance, the children we adore and the childlike essence still inside us, and anything we create out of the sheer joy of being alive. Not a bad location for an eclipse, frankly, since its main impetus here is to draw out your streaks of confidence and imagination… to support your need for individuality and self-expression, so that it's abundantly clear the life you're leading could be absolutely nobody else's but yours. Above all else, the pressure is on to make sure you're having a good time—with ample space to run with the wolves, romp with the kiddies, tinker with the art supplies (i.e., the paints on the canvass, the words on the page, the clay on the wheel, the film in the camera), and wink at the whole damn world. If you've forgotten how to play, then something's very wrong. Too often, you may confuse this purposeless pleasure with other gestures of self-interest, applying your energies toward something you think you might need to feel strong and secure. But those maneuvers are too practical and purposeful to qualify in this arena—and, as such, could spoil the fun with too much of a pushy investment in the final profit margins. The pure essence of the 5th house doesn't gain you anything (no extra hundred for your wallet, no surge in power-position to swing with later), other than immediate gratification for yourself and others. It isn't meant to turn people off, nor to inspire a swagger that's more competitive than merely proud. You'll know you're successfully getting at it if you're causing a stir… and, all the while, remaining genuinely likable.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Sagittarius, this eclipse falls in your 4th, where we must find genuinely comforting practices for taking care of ourselves at home… in that tender private space of unwinding, where we're able to peel off our identity skins and chill out… with proper attention to our wavering emotions, even when they might seem irrational or childlike. Bottom line: If you can't kick off your proverbial shoes and relax in your living situation, because of an inconsiderate roommate or an ill-fitting hometown or shoddy quarters, then there's a problem. Whether you're aware of it or not, you're not operating at your optimum levels—and siphoning off valuable energy toward whatever distractions have kept home life unsatisfying—if you aren't getting a total recharge. (Think of cell-phones and iPods, how much more quickly they drain of power if they aren't fully juiced up from the start.) Psychological stuff to look at, if you want to positively embrace changes here: Do you downplay the need for private comfort and security because you're so busy in the 'outside world'? What about balance? Do you sometimes follow your first impulses… at the expense of what's actually good for your psyche? What are the limits you might set on that, if you were your own responsible parent-figure? And how did you the actual parenting you received as a kid lead you to settle for a less-than attitude toward self-nurturing? Or are you just reacting to a stifling super-secure upbringing, with a rebellious individuation streak that 'doesn't need no fucking comfort zone'? Just some food for thought.


CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Capricorn, this eclipse falls in your 3rd, an encouragement to be more regularly communicative about what's going on inside your impenetrable head… not for any monumental reason, other than the simple fact of forming and fostering more social connection. Because you Capricorns are such adept problem-solvers and goal-achievers, spending your time telling tales and disclosing details to anybody other than your very-few real-deep-true confidantes can often seem both pointless and a bit distasteful. But whatever you gain in self-protection from staying mum (or perfunctorily pleasant), you lose much more in evading the spontaneous magic of casual bonding. You may not know what's the point of going on about yourself, this, that or the other, and so why bother? That's reasonable, sure, but also isolating and, after a while, friggin' boring. People need people. What may prevent you from a more naturally forthcoming social presence is a deep, hard-to-grasp shame that what you're secretly feeling (confusion? fear? mild insanity?) will scare others away, ruin their perceptions of you, or somehow lose you ground in the grand competition that's overtaken life for most of us. And so you bear the burden alone… in turn making you that much more confused, afraid or insane because you lack the necessary external perspective to reassure you that it's all perfectly natural and normal, and everybody feels that way. Perhaps if keep it all to yourself, you get to triumph in being that much more special, by virtue of your confused-and-fearful craziness. That, however, verges on bullshit. Talking to friends, strangers, coffeehouse comrades and the guy at the bus stop will lighten your load—when you discover they truly understand, and are sharing similar internal struggles.


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Aquarius, this eclipse falls in your 2nd, the money sector of your solar chart… as well as the place where we must take practical account of everything else we can put to work for ourselves, our most valuable resources and traits, to create a sense of security that grounds us in material reality. This indicates, therefore, it's time to poke your head down from the clouds and do the real-world, cost-and-benefit, profit-and-loss diligence required to transform your otherworldly dreams into something solid and substantial here on earth. Being super-smart-and-sentient won't go far enough. And oh, what a waste it would be for you, with your zillions of bright ideas, to wait around for some big chance to drop itself on your doorstep. You must make the chance happen. You've got to invest whatever you've got—blood, sweat and dollar bills—to come out the other end wealthier (however you interpret that). When something material is at stake, you're likelier to be pragmatic in your thinking. What you've got to get past, in order to cash in and move up, is your hesitancy to ask for help and support from the network of mentors, associates and believers-in-you you've gathered over the years. Rather than wait until the final unveiling to clue 'em in to your aspirations, talk it up now… to anyone and everyone who might be able to throw in a hand or a connection. It's okay to say you're unsure; it won't make you look weak. And there's nothing so unsavory about calling in the favors you've earned (not the same thing as 'using people', by the way)… since, after all, what you want to accomplish will also benefit so many other souls in the process, right?


PISCES (February 19-March 20): This week rocks with a Pluto-squaring solar eclipse… a feather-in-the-cap of an already-extraordinarily-pungent month or so, jauntily perched to herald the news: The times they are a-changin'. Folks, this is a big eclipse, with a direct impact on how the next several years of history—a period likely to be ripe with dramatic shifts in the balance of power—will unfold. (Click here to read more about why.) The personal is always also madly political, global and universal. And the trial and tribulations in your personal life are not unrelated to the powerful shifts coming our way. For you, Pisces, this eclipse falls in your own sign, and I've already addressed this ninety-two times over, and you know exactly what this means to you. In short, everything is up for grabs. I feel a little silly repeating slightly-differently-worded versions of the same generic advice—take risks, break free, leave the past behind—over and over again. (Please reread 'em one more time, though, to help me make my point.) But as I tell my Piscean clients all the time, I consider Pisces to be the 'none of the above' category… due to the fact that, more than any other Sun-sign, there's quite a bit of variation amongst you as a group. As such, it's hard to say exactly which risks should be taken, which bonds should be broken free from, and which parts of the past to abandon like old furniture in the nearest creek bed. My guess is, however, that you know the exact specifics… and are either (a) well on your way to doing just that or (b) dragging your heels out of fear or ignorance-is-bliss self-delusion, but secretly knowing that something will eventually happen, at once destructive and a relief, to overturn the inertia. Why wait around for destruction? If you're stuck, think about this: How much of it has to do with messages you received from your family (especially blunt, uncompromising fathers or authoritarian mothers) that left you doubting yourself? Can you now, in your current incarnation as an independent adult, realize it doesn't matter what they fucking think? Or maybe it's just easier to dream about the future in broad, fantastical terms… rather than confronting the constant, ongoing effort it'll take to actually achieve something? Hey, Pisces, you've got to start somewhere. Your only wrong step would be trying to keep things exactly as they've been. If the ground you're walking on threatens to split wide open, just think of it as an excuse to practice your jumps.