Horoscopes | Week of August 5-11, 2002

ARIES (March 21-April 19): To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Aries, pay close attention to the way you go about completing the task at hand. What are your tactics? Do you spend a chunk of time pondering your strategy before you even start? Do you jump in quickly but find it difficult to finish? Do you chip away a little at a time, varying the effort with the thousand others things you're in the middle of? Do you sit yourself down and steadily plow away until completion? These projects serve as microcosms for the manner with which you approach your whole life and find meaning in it. Since you'll never see the final product of that ultimate labor until, well, you're no longer here, process thus becomes everything.


TAURUS (April 20-May 20):
To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Taurus, pay close attention to your declarations of love. These are the dramatic monologues that draw the audience into the performance that is your life. You invite them in with your charms. You consciously show your vulnerabilities (well, at least some of them). You make them laugh with your witty one-liners. And then you unknowingly reveal underlying psychological complexes and processes. If you're ever unresolved about why people react so intensely to you, this close examination could be key to understanding.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20): To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Gemini, pay close attention to the rituals you conduct when you are at home. Or, more concisely, look at what specifically you do that enables you to feel like you're at home, even if you are somewhere else. What recharges you privately, so that you can go out and be your frenetic Gemini self? What has to be done alone? What can be done in front of others? Your methods of self-nurturance are one area in which you cannot continually change the rules, or else you won't feel truly secure. What you need is what you need, regardless of the audience.


CANCER (June 21-July 22): To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Cancer, pay close attention to the vehicle you are currently using to get from Point A to Point B. Is that your own car or a ride from your neighbor, the bus or the train, or just a set of persuasive words that you use to get where you need to be? Check for efficiency leaks. I know that you probably prefer a more laid-back or fatalistic approach to getting places in life, but you might find yourself a bit less drained of energy, if you can locate the gaps or save yourself a few unnecessary steps.


LEO (July 23-August 22): To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Leo, pay close attention to the items and objects, treasures and products that line the shelves of your closets and your cupboards. What have you chosen to accumulate? And do you find these material goods to be an accurate representation of who you are? Imagine what the archeologists might say if, hundreds of years later, this was the physical matter they had from which to reconstruct your person and draw anthropological conclusions. You can't hide the evidence from the experts.


VIRGO (August 23-September 22): To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Virgo, pay close attention to your face in the mirror. Is it possible that you've been walking around with that piece of food stuck to your cheek all day? Or maybe you're not truly recognizing how beautiful you are? In a quiet moment of private contemplation of your reflection, you suddenly realize how the responses you get from others make perfect sense. So long as you keep yourself busy, riding the waves of duty and responsibility, you won't appreciate your own presence until you look back, much later, and wonder where all the time has gone.


LIBRA (September 23-October 22):To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Libra, pay close attention to your recent dreams, as the strange untranslatable nuances contain surprising revelations and can inspire you on toward increased action and activity. The difficulty comes when you try to capture these insights into words, so that you can explain what's going on to those around you. Maybe you shouldn't verbalize the source of your sudden inspirations, in some Libran attempt to ease social discomfort by attempting to relate. Some things are better kept for ourselves. Let the unspoken linger out there.


SCORPIO (October 23-November 21):To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Scorpio, pay close attention to those moments in which you seek to heal the world. I know this is a more abstract side to your personality and hard to get a grip on at will. Still, remember those times when your most humanitarian ideas were sparked by experience and thus shifted from conceptual to emotional. What situations move you in this way? Focusing on these will help you recognize the resources you have at your disposal—and how these might be used to ease the inevitable inequities that exist among people.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21): To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Sagittarius, play close attention to the acknowledgment you've been receiving for the contribution you make at work or in the group. Study the adjectives used to describe you. Identify traits you're recurrently praised for. And, perhaps more unsettlingly, be aware of the nicknames attached to you and the jokes passed around at your expense. All the peers around you aren't crazy for thinking what they think.


CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Capricorn, pay close attention to the exotic places that you fantasize about traveling to, whether they be geographic or philosophic locales. If you grow to understand what unexplored foreign urges in your psyche they represent, and what you would hope to learn from your journey, then you might be surprised at how much psychically closer you can get to your destination without going anywhere. Of course, bonus points will be granted to all Caps who actually plan a trip.


AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Aquarius, pay close attention to the ways in which you seek to bond with others most intensely. Are these healing sorts of exchanges, or are they unconscious opportunities for you to dump your psychological garbage? Remember that energy doesn't really ever disappear; it's just transferred from one place to another. That is, unless a conscious effort is made to transform it. Folks that are as intellectually minded as you must work to ensure that psychic weaknesses in your interpersonal skills don't end up contradicting your best socially-minded intentions. Practice what you preach.


PISCES (February 19-March 20): To coincide with this week's New Moon in Virgo, I'm urging each sign to closely examine some particular detail in their way of being, so they might discover a deeper insight about their life imbedded within. Pisces, pay close attention to three or four of your closest relationships in different areas of your life. As a Pisces, it's likely that you draw vastly different types of people, who offer you varying sorts of stimulation. I'll bet, though, that there are similar behaviors you enact at times of intense emotion—unbridled elation, anger, sadness. Connecting the dots could lead you to a better understanding of why you've been successful at accomplishing certain goals, and what may be holding you back from achieving others.